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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hawaii - The Big Island - Last Day :(

It's our last day in Hawaii and we finally make it to the Paleaku Peace Garden.  We tried twice before - the first time we arrived at closing and the 2nd time it started to rain when we got there - today was perfect.  It is a 7 Acre Botanical Garden and Sanctuary

You walk in and it is instant peace and tranquility 

Buddhist Monks visit and created these Mandala's or Sand Paintings.  A Sand Mandala is a Tibetan Buddhist tradition involving the creation and destruction of mandalas made from colored sand. A sand mandala is ritualistically destroyed once it has been completed. However they are sometimes left to emanate blessings form the deities they represent. 

They also have a Galaxy Garden.  The Galaxy Garden is a 100 foot diameter outdoor scale model of the Milky Way mapped in living plants and flowers.  The Center is a fountain representing a black hole.
Paleku Galaxy Garden

Then these must be cats eye nebula's. 

I love this place!   This is the Islamic Shrine

This is the Tibetan Buddhist Shrine

The Labyrinth

Feeling much more calm and peaceful we head out and stop for lunch at the Coffee Hut.  We aren't the only ones enjoying a mid-day snack. 

Who you lookin at?? 

Next stop the Greenwell Coffee Farm 

We are given a tour of the grounds and the history of Coffee on the Island

Coffee is cultivated between the altitudes of 800 and 2500 feet. Below 800 feet, it is too dry and hot for coffee to thrive. Above 2500 feet, a natural rain forest naturally prevails, the coffee trees bloom and fruit all year long, Kona is the perfect elevation for coffee.

Coffee Beans aka Cherries 

One last walk down by the water and we say farewell to our Sea Turtle friends. 


Meanwhile, we keep on Trek'n

Melissa & Gary

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