Almont, CO Weather from Weather Underground

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama - Bellingrath Gardens

Day trip to Bellingrath Gardens on the other side of Mobile Bay.   Take the Dauphine Island Ferry.

Dauphine Island Ferry

Offshore Oil Derrick

Fort at Dauphine Island

Dauphine Island Bridge

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In 1998 I wrote a short story about a sailboat crew that mostly takes place up on Dauphin(e) Island. When I first wrote it, I believed the Island's name had an 'e' on the end. A few days ago I revisited the story and looked up the Island on the Internet and it seems the 'e' is not part of the name. The only hit with the 'e' is the Isle of Dauphine Gold Club.

My question is, if you don't mind, has the 'e' officially been dropped from the name, or am I mistaken that it once was part of the name?

I appreciate your help clearing up this mystery for me.

lessimon at tds dot net